- Only a single user with a superior rights must be in the system.
- All posting will be tagged with the user and time of saving each transaction.
- All reported printed will have date and time stamps with user id printed in the report.
- Same-day amendments by the user with authority will be replaced with the latest id.
- Fixed assets, movable or non movable, new aquisition, write off, disposal must be accounted for.
- All dated documents are serially numbered.

- User rights and access to any modules for creating new transactions or report printing can be managed by a supervisor right user.
- Transaction date can be locked to prevent even the highest user rights to make changes to reported financial statements.
- A user will be appointed, usually, the financial controller will be responsible for the integrity and accuracy of the posted entries.
- He/she will be the only user with right to lock/unlock the date.
- Our data center provide archiving of daily backup for the last 30 days of the current month as our standard service level job scope.
- For 365 days of storage archive and forensic backup purposes, please ask for a separate quote.
- All extract of reports or documents to excel or pdf will be limited to authorized user only.

- Management that may not be at the premise can be given the rights to access the dashboards from anywhere 24/7.
- Supervisor can manage the reports available to the management as part of the accountability and compliance requirements.
- All reports or audit trail will be available at all times for inspection or review.

Due Diligence
- Cash and collection is the most important line item in the financial statement.
- Daily settlement and vendor approval systems will control the cash movement.
- Stocks level for sales can be monitored and verified based on stock-take reports.
- Print 5 or X most active stock reports.
- Print 5 most high-value revenue reports daily comparison reports.
- Supervisor to reconcile daily collections.

Timely reporting
- As part of compliance and accountability, timely reporting is of paramount importance. A user id and time stamp will be in the report to reflect a snapshot of the report at the point in time. It must be stored separately for comparison purposes for use when there are amendments made.

Access Restriction
- We set a Supervisor user group with the highest authority to set and limit other users to each module and to print selected reports.
- As part of accountability, only one user can be set as a supervisor to control other users’ access and report printing.
- If you are the supervisor, you can limit your other users from a selected modules based on their roles and responsibilities.
- While blocking them from accounting modules if they are the operational users.

Management Reports
- Income and Expenses reports – Monthly and Year to Date
- Balance Sheet reports – Month to Date and Monthly comparison
- General ledger report – Monthly and Year to date
- Vendor aging report
- Month-end collection report
- Vendor accrual report
- Month-end cash undeposited report

Operation Reports
- POS user will print daily settlement reports to cross check with daily collections in various payment mode.
- Manager will confirm and close the daily POS, with final posting to accounts receivables.
- Daily sales and events report can be printed for record and backup purposes in excel format or PDF.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
- How do we assure compliance and data security in our system?
- We use 2 factor authentication to ensure that login user is authorized and limit the access to only authorized module.
- User specific to require 2 FA when login.

Audit Trail
- All posting comes with audit trail report with date, time and user stamp.
- Keep reports in PDF format for verfication, backup or forensic purpose.

Data Protection
- Personal data will be masked during operations with no access by junior staff.
- Telephone number or NRIC number will be only visible of last 4 digits.
- Printing on document will also be the last 4 digits.